
Scotts Valley Water District - WaterSmart

Take control of your water use! The WaterSmart online platform allows customers to be more water-efficient and save money on water bills.

WaterSmart Sign upCustomers can:

  • View hourly usage history. 
  • Set up unusual usage and high bill alerts.
  • Compare their consumption to similar households.
  • Explore water and money-saving actions.
  • Sign up to receive personalized tips on how to save water.
  • Access billing statements.

All Scotts Valley Water District customers have “intelligent meters” that record and share water use data daily. This data is available for customers via the WaterSmart customer engagement portal — sign up today! 

How It Works

The District’s AMI system — Badger Beacon — uses wireless cellular technology to communicate meter readings securely to the District’s server once every 24-hours. The devices that collect and transmit data are connected to the existing water meter, near the street or sidewalk.

AMI and WaterSmart have allowed the District to support and follow its core values of seeking innovative and efficient practices help achieve sustainable water resource management.