
Scotts Valley Water District - District News
District News

SVWD Acts on Engaging Next Generation Though New Board Program

Engaging the next generation ranks high on the California water community’s crowded priority list. Finding and training enough workforce professionals to replace retiring baby boomers usually comes t…

Newsletter: System flushing happens this month

Water mains are underground pipelines that distribute water to various users including residences, businesses and fire hydrants. Although the water entering the mains meets all state and federal stan…

Press Banner: Possible SLVWD, Big Basin Water Merger Inches Along

The San Lorenzo Valley Water District (SLVWD) has had its fair share of couplings since its establishment as a special district in 1941. In 2008, the district assumed control of Cal-Am Water (servici…

Newsletter: Get free water-saving devices at the District Office

The District offers a variety of water-saving devices intended to help customers be more efficient with their water use. Free devices include: garden hose nozzles, bathroom faucet aerators, high-effi…

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