
Scotts Valley Water District - Turf's Up! Double the Rebate for Lawn Replacement
Turf's Up! Double the Rebate for Lawn Replacement

The District has doubled its lawn replacement rebate to $2 per square foot to encourage customers to install low-water-use landscaping at their properties.
Through the Turf’s Up! program, customers are urged to replace irrigated lawn areas with low-water-use plants and/or permeable landscape materials such as mulch, decomposed granite, permeable pavers or artificial turf to reduce water use. Outdoor irrigation accounts for approximately a third of the water used by District customers.
The region and the state continue to suffer from drought conditions. While the District's customers are supplied by groundwater and recycled water, years of low rainfall have impacts on recharge and future water levels in the aquifers that the District relies upon.
The Turf’s Up! rebate program requires pre- and post-approval. Existing sprinkler system must be either converted to drip (or other low-volume devices) or removed. Inactive valves must be removed and pipes glue-capped. High and low-volume devices should not exist on the same valve.

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